Hey guys,
It's time for a little #realtalk.
I recently took a day trip out to some lavender fields and was completely taken aback by how beautiful it was. This was something I had wanted to do for a long time, but sometimes, well you know, "life gets in the way" and we "just don't have time". And I get it, it can sometimes feel impossible to schedule a full day for something. There's work, school, personal projects, appointments, family time and so on. But it was so great to get out there on a mini road trip with a friend and just forget about everything else, even if just for a few hours. Ever think about your schedule and everything you have to do and feel super overwhelmed, like you don't know how you'll have time for it all? Happens to me way too much!
Well, in times like those I like to think of... PARENTS. Hell parents have everything we have PLUS KIDS, little creatures that have to be taken care of all the time and managed! I often think to myself "ugh I wish I could sleep in more", "I don't have time to make myself lunches for work", "I'm always running around"... well parents don't sleep in, have to make lunches for themselves AND the kids and they are always running around between dentist appointments and soccer games. (Okay, yes a little stereotypical haha)
*No this isn't a post about parents, I'm getting to the point real soon!* SO HERE'S THE THING: That's when life gets in the way, and yet our parents still found time to go on dates and whatever else parents do without their kids ;) So I always tell myself, HELL if life is getting too much in the way now, I ain't never gonna enjoy it! Life only gets in the way, if you let it and sometimes you need to take a step back and say f*** it, let's go to the lavender fields! So yeah, this isn't a post to praise parents (although they are superheroes hehe), this is to remind you all to take the time to enjoy this precious time of our lives when we don't have that many responsibilities yet and we can still take breaks from 'adulting'! :)
Maison Lavande // https://maisonlavande.ca/en/
