It's finally here... MY INDIA PHOTO DIARY!!
I can't wait for you guys to see all my travel pics, I really love the series I have selected below and I hold them all dear to my heart, especially the shots of the people. We visited a slum in Mumbai, "the heart of Mumbai" and I got to meet so many beautiful people who touched my heart. We spent a few days in New Delhi, took a day trip to Jaipur, then moved on to Agra (where the Taj Mahal is located) and finally made our way to Mumbai where we spent the remaining of our trip. I couldn't have been happier with our itinerary, the places we got to see, the food we got to eat and the people we got to meet.
First, I would like to clarify some truths and myths about India because I believe it will help anyone interested in visiting this country make a more sounded decision :)
1. Does it smell? In Mumbai, YES. Every other city I visited? No :)
2. Is the food spicy? YES. You can easily find less spicy food, but keep in mind everything has spices in it.
3. Is it gross/polluted? Yes. The air is unfortunately scary polluted and the streets are covered in litter because they isn't the necessary infrastructure to pick up all the trash. BUT, it doesn't feel that bad trust me.
4. Is it crowded? YEP. There is no going around this one, with 1.3 BILION people, its bound to be crowded. But unlike some touristic destinations, it is crowded with locals, not many tourists in sight.
5. Is it dangerous? I never felt like I was in danger because we had our guide with us at all times and we were quite a large group (20). Their culture is a very peaceful one so I didn't feel like I was gonna be attacked or stolen from ALTHOUGH you should be VERY careful because in such a crowded place, anyone can pick your pocket and you never see who did it. It should also be noted that there is a very high rate of rape in India so women need to be careful.Never go out alone, stay in groups and dress conservatively. You will notice in all my pics I am wearing an oversized tee and long, baggy pants. It's not because I decided to not be fashionable, its because I was being cautious.
I had the trip of a lifetime and I hope this will translate into my photographs. The culture in India is amazing, so effortlessly beautiful. I had such a heart warming and humbling experience and I made so many great memories. I would recommend India to everyone and I hope I can go back one day. So, without further ado, here are my official India 2017 photos.
I kept the best for last, so don't abandon half way ;)

JAIPUR -The Pink City

AGRA - Home of the Taj Mahal

MUMBAI - Home to Dharavi, one of the largest slums in the world
